There have been many immigrants in the last few years that have been deported for several of reasons. For example, some may have done a crime, such as a murder, rob, or even come with a visa and last in the United States for a long time. However, when immigrants commit these crimes it usually takes long for the immigrants to gets deported. “According to Tara Tidwell-Cullen of the National Immigrant Justice Center in Chicago, a federal judge must first approve the deportation order, and then ICE must obtain travel documents from the detainee's country.” However, after the attack on September 11th, the record of immigrants being deported as decreased. The only record that probably increased is immigrant detention. Besides, after the 9/11 there wasn’t an increase among South Asians and Middle Easterners getting deported, or any of the nationalities that are known as “Muslims.” However, the races that have definitely increased are the Black immigrants (Caribbean or African nationalities) and Brown immigrants (Mexican, Central American and South American nationalities). In other words, “Black immigrants have higher numbers of deportations than Asians, Middle Eastern or White immigrants.” Like in 2002, the total number of Black immigrants being deported was 8,921, for the Whites is 3,090 and the total of the Asian and Middle Easterners is 4,317.
http://www.nathanielturner.com/blackimmigrantsdeported.htm www.alternet.org/rights/45495/